Tim Berners-Lee 1 so famously said about the web: “This is for everyone.” 2 We are with him and the philosophy of the #oneweb 3 all the way. We believe that the internet with its vast content is for everyone. This means that websites need to be accessible: accessible inclusively to all people, accessible in turn to their chosen devices and accessible on connections of varying speeds.
This website has been design and built to be easy to use by everyone, across different devices and connections. We have thoroughly tested this site and aim to meet the WCAG 2.0 4 as outlined by the standards body of the W3C 5. We hope you will not have any problems perusing our content. However, it is impossible to foresee all circumstances.
If you do find any issues, we would love to know. Please get in touch and tell us ~ we’d like to fix the problem if we can.
- Tim Berners-Lee: inventor of the World Wide Web and director of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- tweet by @timberners_lee, 27 July 2012: “This is for everyone #london2012 #oneweb #openingceremony @webfoundation @w3c”
- #oneweb is the web’s ideal principle of universal access to content, promoted by Tim Berners-Lee, Jeremy Keith and many others
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
- The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community who work together to develop Web standards.