Ada Lovelace Day: celebrate women in technology

Tomorrow, 24 March, is the first official Ada Lovelace Day: a day for celebrating women’s achievements in technology. Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer way back in the 1830’s, who foresaw uses for computers that even Charles Babbage himself didn’t dream of. Sadly, she died at age 36 and never got the chance to see some of these uses in practice.
Tomorrow you can help celebrate Ada’s – and millions of other women’s – contributions to technology by blogging about a woman whom you admire for their work in tech. Once you’ve written your post, be sure to add it to the Ada Lovelace Collection for all the world to see. It’s already 24 March in some parts of the world, so you can be inspired by reading the stories that have already been posted here. If you’re in London tomorrow, you can also pop over to The Science Museum to meet Ada and learn more about her work.
Mar 25th 2009
Thanks for this post, Miko :)
(just when I was going to write about this almost too late :)
We’ve got 2 posts on this submitted to the pledge ;)
→ inspiring women
→ getting inspired – Ada Lovelace Day