Whatever happened to Action Bob?
Back at the beginning of the nineties I picked up a free-sheet in San Fransisco which had a cartoon called ‘Action Bob – He’s a 90’s guy on the go’ by the Teaspoon Theatre. It was very like the stuff you used to get in Processed World if anyone remembers that wonderful magazine.
Anyway, I liked and kept it and despite being unable to find out who drew it to ask their permission, I coloured it and offer it to you now as a Zen take on our busy lives.
And if Bob’s creator is out there… sorry about your copyright – we’ll take it down if you want.
Action Bob – he’s a 90’s guy on the go!
Sep 8th 2009
I have fond memories of ‘Processed World’ mag, that together with Studs Terkel’s ‘Working’ gave me some insights into the true nature of free market capitalism