knowledge a professional collective
for the common good


Tim Sanders for NCB: Great Expectations

Greater Expectations’ looks at how poverty and disadvantage still wreak havoc on children’s lives, causing them to lag far behind their more affluent peers in almost all areas of their lives, from health to education, early development to housing. It revisits the work of a groundbreaking study published in 1973 – ‘Born to Fail’. Read […]

Mardi Gras Masquerade Invite

Mardi Gras Masquerade

A whole year has gone past on this site and only the Mardi Gras seems to have happened! Well then, long live Mardi Gras! Long live excess before hardship! … better wear a mask, so you can say you weren’t there! To all common Knowledge’s friends –  please come to our party. This year it’s […]

Mardi Gras Party

Common Knowledge’s famous Mardi Gras Party is on Tuesday 21st February from 6pm till eleven. Food and music a-plenty… just please bring a bottle. If you havn’t had an invite and want one or if you want to do that RSVP thing then mail us now!

Ordnance Survey Open Data – a gift from HMG

I don’t know how many people know about this but the Ordnance Survey now give away astonishing mapping tools as part of their Open Data. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this came out of Gordon Brown enlisting Tim Berners-Lee to see how government could free up data it held to help the economy. I […]

Inside the Larder

The Larder opens at last

Some time ago on this site I bewailed the loss of the Wild Cherry Café in Globe Road, right around the corner from the Common Knowledge office. The Larder has finally opened in it’s place – a vegetarian café and deli which Zainab and I went to for lunch today. The place looks nice and […]

’tis the season…

It’s that time of year again :) lots of wonderful little presents given away online — so I thought I’d share 3 of my favourites. FontDeck advent calendar [udpate: FontDeck no longer active] one annual subscription for 1 font a day :) 24 ways an article a day till christmas, now also available in print […]

KISS & keep your clients happy

a quick guide to a good online presence As these slides might contain a few useful points for anyone thinking about getting themselves online for the first time – I thought I’d share them here :) Here are the slides for a talk I am giving tonight at the ‘Women’s Business Club @44‘ (or: ↓ […]

conundrum: Ubuntu Desktop or Server to host an alt-media #openvideo #opentech portal?

A Friday afternoon conundrum: Ubuntu Desktop or Server to host an alt-media #openvideo #opentech portal on a commercial server? An alt-media project expanding within the constraints of very limited funding (which doesn’t provide for a paid sysadmin) aspires to offer a portal for a variety of ‘community’ managed video channels. The previous iteration was self-hosted […]

Paula Graham on FOSS, the Cloud, SAAS

We had the new build of visionOnTV up and running – whilst still ‘Under Construction’ – in time for the dotActivist conference yesterday. Paula was one of the speakers. Hopefully full audio and video of the speakers will be published at soon. Here’s the interview we did with Paula in our mobile studio upstairs: […]

Action Bob? Does Ed have the answer?

Earlier we had a post ‘What happened to Action Bob?’ wherein – besides introducing a fine comic artist – I bewailed the lack of any information as to his or her identity. Well, through the magic of the internet, step forward Spencer Klein, another fan of the artist who sent me a message to say […]